2017 Utility Rate Survey is Coming Soon!

The 16th Annual Utility Rate Survey questionnaire will be sent out to utilities across the upper Midwest and Rocky Mountain region within the next few weeks. AE2S Nexus conducts the annual survey of water, wastewater, stormwater, and solid waste utility rates. Many utilities find the data in the annual survey to be a useful planning resource in support of ongoing revenue adequacy, cost of service, and utility rate planning efforts. The survey offers local benchmarking against similar utilities in a common region of the country.

In all, 277 participants submitted data in 2016. AE2S Nexus received responses from 132 systems serving populations 5,000 and greater, 88 systems serving populations less than 5,000, and 57 regional systems. Utilities in Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming were invited to participate.

Participants will receive an email inviting them to complete the survey online. Paper copies of the survey are also available by request. After AE2S Nexus staff receives the completed surveys, the data is analyzed and compiled into two unique reports based on community population. One of the reports includes data from the rate survey responses from communities with populations of 1,000 to 4,999 people and regional/rural water systems. The second report is based on survey responses from communities with populations of 5,000 people or more. The results of the survey are reported based on an average monthly residential water use value of 6,000 gallons. The survey also includes questions about commercial water and wastewater charges to track the cost of 18,000 gallons of water or wastewater for commercial users, and reports stormwater and solid waste rate information.

AE2S Nexus sends a complimentary copy of the Utility Rate Survey booklet to each participating utility. Many participants have indicated the Rate Survey is a valuable resource to help communicate rate decisions and gain support from commissioners, council members, or supervisory boards.  The Utility Rate Survey booklets are delivered mid-year. If you have questions about the rate survey, please contact Miranda Kleven at 701-746-8087 or [email protected].