Climate Change Report Identifies Impacts to Drinking Water and Wastewater Sectors

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) recently released a report on the impacts of climate change on the drinking water and wastewater sectors. The Climate Change in the Drinking Water and Wastewater Sectors and the Impact on Financial Resilience, Insurability, and Credit and Investment Quality report was led by the USEPA Climate Finance Working Group so … Read more

How Asset Management Programs Benefit Utilities

Asset Management Program

Utilities have recently experienced increased capital, operation, and maintenance costs. The cause in many cases can be attributed to aging infrastructure that was built in the last century. In addition, heightened regulatory requirements associated with the implementation of the Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act increased the cost of compliance while the upcoming … Read more

Financial Capability Guidance for CWA Compliance

Clean Water Act guidance

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) recently announced updated Clean Water Act (CWA) Financial Capability Assessment (FCA) Guidance to help communities ensure public health protections and financial feasibility as they make plans to comply with the CWA. The Guidance outlines strategies for communities to follow to support affordable rates while planning investments in water infrastructure essential … Read more

Rate Survey Deadline Extended to May 1

Communities over 5k Utility Rate Survey

Will you participate in the 23rd Annual Utility Rate Survey questionnaire? The deadline to respond to the digital and print versions of the survey is May 1, 2023.   Each year, AE2S conducts a survey of water, wastewater, stormwater, and solid waste utility rates throughout the region. Two unique reports are prepared based on community population. One … Read more